Boomers Apply Yourself Here

Hey, Folks! Wanna do something to make some money while you’re sinking deeper into your comfortable chair? Don’t get mad at me… I’m a baby boomer, too! I’m two years from collecting Medicare, which is fine because I can’t afford to pay full price for my Celebrex, but I’m not ready to stop “doing” either! … Read more

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

So, you are considering venturing into affiliate marketing and want to know how it works. Doing your due diligence before jumping into a program is a great idea since there are so many options. I will explain how it works so that by the end of this article, you will know more than enough to … Read more

Regain Your Independence, Unleash Your Inner Boss, and Pursue Your Dreams,

Hey All! Stupid money! An amount of money (usually a lot) that can be disposed of without any consequences or downsides (not nervous etc. to spend it). Also known as silly money or discretionary income. Do you have it? Probably not! THAT’S THE KIND OF MONEY MOST PEOPLE ONLY DREAM ABOUT.  I’m going to tell you how you can get it! … Read more

Employment Opportunities, Self-employment, and Wealthy Affiliate

What is New in Today’s Economy? Things are constantly changing – new trends, new fads – new pandemics… Still, traditional paths of employment and self-employment are the go-tos for income generation. However, the digital age and the recent bout with Covid 19 has sparked an awakening, or reawakening of online business interest in alternative avenues … Read more

Wealthy Affiliate or Lurn Inc – A Review

The Marketing Plan  In the digital age, entrepreneurial skills and online marketing savvy can open the door to financial success. Among the platforms that aim to equip users with these skills, Lurn Inc and Wealthy Affiliate stand out. This review will delve into Lurn Inc’s offerings and how it compares to Wealthy Affiliate.  Lurn Inc, … Read more

Evolving Family Dynamics: Harnessing the Power of Affiliate Marketing

Wow! Times certainly have changed over the last several decades. Fifty years ago, life was simpler. Imagine a family living comfortably on a single income. One parent worked diligently outside of the home, while the other worked at home, focused on raising the kids and managing the household. Sounds pretty idyllic, doesn’t it? Well, the … Read more

A Side Hustle

You’re at your desk, the steady rhythm of your work, the hum of the office in the background. You glance at the clock and then out the window, yearning for something more. The nine-to-five grind has become a monotonous cycle, leaving you uninspired, craving change, and yearning for freedom. Now, envision a different narrative. One … Read more